What's safe to eat nowadays?

With the increasing concerns of melamine contamination in food/edible products, I began to wonder what are the actual products that are safe for consumption and what has been withdrawn from the market. A quick search on Google came up with the following health authority websites with latest postings on the melamine incident including which products are safe and which are not. These are focused mainly on South East Asian - Australasian authorities due to the higher number of imports but apply to anywhere in the world that sells the same products (note that a product might be manufactured in many locations but carry the same name/packaging)
  • Malaysian Food Safety & Quality Division (BKMM) - English / Malay [LINK]
  • Singaporean Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority - English [LINK]
  • Indonesian Badan Pengawas Obat & Makanan - English / Indonesian [LINK]
  • Korean Food and Drug Administration - Korean [LINK]
  • New Zealand Food Safety Authority - English [LINK]
There are many other FDA sites but these are the ones that seem to be still actively testing and releasing news about the contamination. Latest products include Cadbury chocolates, Bairong biscuits (those sold in Watsons and Tesco) and Dutch Lady milks from China manufacturers.


  1. Most foods, especially plants and vegetables, contain harmful toxins to begin with. That's how they naturally fight off certain fungal diseases, parasites and insects. You injest more "natural" toxins from plants and vegetables than insecticides. In fact, 98 percent of the toxins come from the plant (or vegetable) itself, and less than 2 percent are the result of spraying/insecticides.

    All natural plants and vegetables are highly overrated, and assume that everyone likes to injest bacteria, fungus and parasites that thrive on the food (whereas insecticides would have rendered them harmless).

  2. Have a friend working in the department in charge of the melamine checks. Apparently the level of accepted melamine content in food for Malaysia is many times higher compared to the worldwide level.

    I'm staying from chocs, bics and all dairy products except for Dutch Lady milk. .
