This year the KK9 choir combined forces with several members from kk6 team (which incidently won 2nd place) to substitute those having exams and could not make it to MJJ. Two nights of preparation were hardly enough but they managed to pull of a barely credible performance of Malaysia oh Tanahairku, Lenggang Kangkung and Stand By Me ... I guess beggars can't be choosers
So whats in the future for the team? Well, there's the self organized get-together with UKM in early March but other than that, nothing is scheduled until the next competition. Now its back to editing the videos into the 2008 compilation (3 DV tapes only ... far less than the 7 last year). Here's a quick 3D rendering of a possible cover design for the 2008 set. I cheated a lot by using a cropped of section of the Feseni 2008 poster (designed by Kak Ira from PKUM) and flooded the rest of the area with the same translucent blue and white in 3 layers ... Hey! whaddya expect for 20 minutes of work in PaintShop? *sheesh*
I haven't tested it out yet but I hope there's enough resolution to apply to the final cover file. Comments anyone ??